Dingo is making its way to another continent!
After its premiere at the Sun'n Fun exhibition in the USA (as we reported here) , we are delighted to see interest in Dingo coming all the way from distant Australia!

Last weekend, an article was published on the website of the Australian Sport Pilot magazine! The author introduces Dingo to their readers as a return to the roots of ultralight flying but in its modern form – a home-assembled ultralight aircraft designed and manufactured using the latest technology, with a hole-to-hole system that meets all current standards, making flying simply enjoyable! And we can’t wait to send the first Dingo to Australia! If you have a moment, get a cup of coffee.

The link to the article is HERE

Fourth Dingo in the Czech skies!

Have you ever dreamed of that incredible freedom of movement in three-dimensional space, the freedom to take off almost from a meadow behind your house?

PF 2023

Future Vehicles team wishes you a peaceful and merry Christmas.

Visit of Young Scouts from Hlinsko

We strive to get young individuals interrested in aviation, the next generation of potential colleagues in this branch.

You can visit us at LKHK

Jana Černého 541 503 41 Hradec Králové