Interview with Rob Hughes
Rob is the first builder of the Dingo in the UK.

If you’re a member of the Dingo Aviators group on Facebook, you’ve probably already seen some of his posts about the progress in his project. The first weekend of May an ultralight aircraft fair at Popham Airfield (EGHP) took a place. Giles from the YouTube channel Golf Foxtrot 22 caught up with Rob there and had a bit of a chat with him. Rob boasted about how far he’s come with the build, mentioning that he already has the wings completed and is now working on covering ailerons and horizontal tail with fabric to make a space for the fuselage! He also confided that this is his first aircraft build ever! He aims to have it completed by the end of this summer. If you’re interested in the full interview, you can watch it in the video below – the interview starts at 8:53.

Introduction of the Renault Rafale

At the airport in Mladá Boleslav, which is closely tied to the history of Czech aviation, the new Renault Rafale E-Tech Hybrid car model was unveiled.

Třebihošt Fly-in

What is more than 2 Dingos? Visitors to this year’s Třebihošt Fly-in certainly know the answer. It’s 3 Dingos!

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