30. Karlovy Vary Cup 2023
The last weekend of May was dedicated to aerobatic flying.

The jubilee 30th year of the Karlovy Vary Cup in motorized aerobatics took place at the Toužim airport, and our Future Vehicles aerobatic team took, of course, the part in! In the Advanced category, Honza Jílek shined brightly with a beautiful 4th place in strong competition. Considering that it was only his second race in this category, we firmly believe that we have much to look forward to from him! Our coach, Jarda Čihák, took the 2nd place in the same category!

And how about the results in the highest category – Unlimited, which is still relatively unexplored for us? Lukáš Pařízek tool the silver position with a score of 10,935 points, followed by Petr Jonáš. For Petr, just like Honza, it was only his second competition in the higher category.

We would like to thank all our partners for their support and to all the organizers for their excellently prepared competition. We can’t wait for the National Championship!


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PF 2023

Future Vehicles team wishes you a peaceful and merry Christmas.

Visit of Young Scouts from Hlinsko

We strive to get young individuals interrested in aviation, the next generation of potential colleagues in this branch.

PF 2024

Christmas Greetings from the Future Vehicles team!

You can visit us at LKHK

Jana Černého 541 503 41 Hradec Králové