News from the United Kingdom
Interest in the Dingo in the UK is growing. The BMAA publishes a monthly online newsletter called Microlight Flying eNews, and this month’s issue has an article on the Dingo.
Anyone can sign up to receive the newsletter at
This is the text of the article:
Dingo delight
ROB Hughes (no, not our glorious leader, another one) does his UK flying in a C42, but after a visit to the Czech Republic and a flight in the Future Vehicles SSDR Dingo, he fell in love and ordered a kit immediately.
When it’s built, he’ll write a report for MF, but in the meantime, here’s the promotional video, and a flight by Red Bull stunt pilot Jan Rudzinskyj.
“The common factor when anyone flies the Dingo is a big grin. It’s a return to the original light end of microlight flying, but with modern technology and techniques; real seat-of-the-pants stuff. As soon as I landed, I knew I had to get one,” said Rob.
The lovely Dingo SSDR. One’s on its way to the UK for Rob Hughes (photo – Jiri Sofilkanic)

Author: Robert Hughes

PF 2023

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PF 2024

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