A Look Back at Sun ‚n Fun – One More Time
A beautiful article was published in the German magazine Flügel, dedicated to this year’s 50th anniversary of the Sun 'n Fun exhibition in Florida.

The article covers the entire event, packed with various performances including fighter jets, stunning historical aircraft, and night glider acrobatics by an 80-year-old pilot!

The author also delves into several aircraft in more detail. We are extremely pleased that among all the exhibited machines, our elegant Dingo stood out to him so much that he dedicated half a page to it!

We are eagerly looking forward to the next airshow – Oshkosh! We will definitely bring you some highlights from there as well, because our Dingos will be there!

Dingo had its French premiere!

We set out with Dingo for the international exhibition of ultralight aircraft, held on the first weekend of September at the airport in Blois, a beautiful city situated along the famous Loire River in France.

Magazine – Pilot 1/2023

You can find and read a very interesting article in this magazine describing the feeling of flying with DINGO!

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