Pilot training 2024
We have initiated this year's training for ultralight aircraft pilots with winter theoretical preparation at our location at Hradec Králové airport.

During this initial phase, which regularly takes place on Sundays, our colleague and instructor Roman gradually acquaints all students with the basics of aerodynamics and flight mechanics, aircraft construction, aviation navigation, aviation regulations, and, as evident from the attached photos, meteorology and weather forecasting.

Following the necessary theoretical preparation, a much more enjoyable practical training on our Sparrow ML aircraft will naturally follow! But more on that next time…

We will gradually provide information about the entire course of training here on our website.

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Dinslaken 2023

Beautiful video from our teammate Jaromir Cihak from the German Championship.

Třebihošt Fly-in

What is more than 2 Dingos? Visitors to this year’s Třebihošt Fly-in certainly know the answer. It’s 3 Dingos!

You can visit us at LKHK

Jana Černého 541 503 41 Hradec Králové